Who we are
Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here today. My name is April. I’ve been married to my husband, Sean, for 12 years. We have two boys, Elliot and Bowen James. Sean and I both graduated from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC) in 2012 with a Bachelors of Applied Science in Diversified Agriculture degree. After graduation, I was hired by the City of Byron where I would ultimately take the role as Stormwater Manager. While I loved my job and work family, I’ve always had the desire to homeschool our boys and be somewhat of a homemaker. I knew that I needed to start making plans for this transition and wanted to do something where I could still provide some income. I wanted something that for the most part I could manage alone on a day-to-day basis. Somehow, I was drawn to PIGS! I started digging into the different breeds and saw KuneKunes. We bought our first boarling and two gilts in 2022. We quickly realized that we LOVE the breed but not the local genetics. We then purchased three gilts and a boar from Nebraska and Iowa in 2022 and have been working to consistently improve our herd ever since. Our mission is to provide a wholesome product that nourishes our community.